My spouse loves pie, anything with shortcrust pastry really, but only if the crust is soft. It's not that he wants it soggy, you understand, just soft, and preferably it's soft because it's underbaked. Not for him the short flaky crumble, and don't bother with puff pastry because laminated dough, in his words, "shatters" and then there are "shards" and this is bad and deeply unpleasant.

After decades of struggling to learn how to make every pie dough and tart case the right way and with the right texture -- "right" by the values of classical French and English and American baking anyway -- I started keeping company with the person who is now my spouse and turned around and learned how to do it wrong on purpose. It may never cease to make me feel a bit like I'm about to get told off by Mary Berry when I take the pie out still so very pale and undercooked. But it is what delights this person I love, and delight and love are the whole point of making a pie.

Delight, love, and pie to you and yours, Wil.

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This was just lovely. Thank you for this. It reminds me of my mother who also likes the pastry soft. Sending all my love to you and your soft pastry loving partner, Hanne. I hope the year ends beautifully for you.

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Here's to you and yours, Finnish and English, having a gentle and joyful end to your 2024. You've made me put a trip to the fishmonger on the list of things to do tomorrow.

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Wil , first off wishing you a very happy Christmas and New Year . You have kept me royally entertained this past year and also well-fed so thank you

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Thank you so much. You've been a huge support to this newsletter and it is frankly an honour that my work has entertained you this year. I hope you have a fantastic Christmas. Thanks again.

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Stunning and such an important message. It is hard to put oneself in another’s shoes then try to understand how their shoes feel to you. Just stunning. My fish pie is made in a white sauce with parsley. Slow cooked. Served with the mashed potatoes that I love the most. In fact we are having snapper tomorrow / talking of fish.

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Thank you Cecilia, you're so kind. Also, your pie sounds awesome. I do intend on sharing my recipe soon, I promise.

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This is such a well woven piece of writing - thank you. I especially appreciate the recognition that love takes many forms - you seem to have found a great way to feel that in your new culture.

Have a very Happy Christmas.

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I really appreciate that. And a very happy Christmas to you, David.

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Lovely and so evocative. And I say this as someone who recently ate a lot of pies for a story and I don't know if I'll ever think, let alone eat another pie. You may just have made me long for another again

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There's always a place for pie. I'm almost certain of this. Thanks for reading Pat. I really appreciate your kind message.

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Good morning and a Happy New Year to you.

I love pie. Almost any kind, any way. Many years ago we had a Pie Club, and we'd meet twice a year for a Pie Off. I seem to recall it had categories, amongst which were True Pie (top and bottom crust) and Faux Pie (bottom crust only). The year I made a Steak Pie complete with pastry cow horns was the year I won the ceremonial pie slicer. I do wish I still had a photo as it was an epic pie.

Love can be so many things and living with a man who is autistic has shown me many ways in which people show love differently. Few words, not a lot of varied emotion, never any compliments or words of reassurance (I'm very self assured, never fear) but hundreds and thousands of small acts. A 3D print of something useful, a quiet fixing of a shelf or a gentle "You should probably go to bed" as we sit under our middle age blankets on the sofa. A trundle down the stairs from his office to show me a cute kitten on the internet, or reading me funny Reddit posts that he knows will tickle me.

We've been together since 1992, and he still manages to surprise me.

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Thank you so much for this lovely reply.

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I laughed when I saw “Recovering Line Cook.”

I’m a recovering barman. But I’m still behind the bar…

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Beautifully poignant, Wil. So many lessons in this essay, the least of all the 'aha' to help make my quiche, that my family all loves to eat, even better. Off to make some shortcrust now.

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Thank you. And thank you for your support. Means the world to me.

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There is room and more for pie.

There is space enough for pie

There is time enough for pie

There is appetite enough for more pie.

Happy Yule Will and thanks for your posts this year

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