I once was stood waist deep in an industrial rubbish compactor, picking out langoustine pulp from a decanted stock, to prove to the Chef that they’d been pressed enough. In such strange moments there is always humour, and a wry grin.
It wouldn't be possible without seeing the humour in it all! PS... I didn't end up in a rubbish compactor, but I do have a similar experience with a respected Swedish Chef and the pulp from some dill oil I had made. #nowaste
I once was stood waist deep in an industrial rubbish compactor, picking out langoustine pulp from a decanted stock, to prove to the Chef that they’d been pressed enough. In such strange moments there is always humour, and a wry grin.
It wouldn't be possible without seeing the humour in it all! PS... I didn't end up in a rubbish compactor, but I do have a similar experience with a respected Swedish Chef and the pulp from some dill oil I had made. #nowaste