I agree that you’ll get the best results by cooking the dark and white meat separately, although I just cooked a whole bird in my smoker, took it out when the breast hit the right temperature, and it turned out to be very good!

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Your smoked turkey sounds fantastic.

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My turkey was a big strong animal and breaking his legs and back bone was a Herculean task . Might get the butcher to do it for me next time . 😩

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Confiting the legs is genius. In a fit of bravado a few years ago, I spatchcocked my Thanksgiving turkey. With a hatchet. It was like roasting a pterodactyl, and I ended up having to joint off the legs and finish cooking them separately ANYWAY. Learned my lesson.

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Thanks. But you're right. Getting the legs removed is the big step up when it comes to turkey cooking. And nice work with the hatchet job. Sounds fun.

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My father used to break down his turkey by constantly berating the poor bird and wondering aloud why it couldn't be as good as the neighbor's turkey and that it must not be trying hard enough.

I like your method better.

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Certainly the effect does last longer doing it the way your old man did it. But my way gets more meat off the bones.

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Although I enjoy taking the piss out of dad from time to time, I did love the old bastard and vice versa.

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Good to hear. And likewise.

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Wil Reidie

What do you do with bread sauce? Is it a gravy?

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It's an absolutely beautiful British sauce dating back hundred of years. It's traditionally served alongside poultry in addition to gravy.

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Wonderful lessons so the holidays aren't stressful! Happy almost one year Substackaversary! And may you and your loved ones have joyous Christmas and New Year!

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this is wildly helpful.

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Thanks a lot, Danyel. Really hope it helps.

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Enjoyed reading this very much, Wil. Can tell how much work went into it, so thank you! I’ve never heard of bread sauce before. Does it take the place if gravy? We’ll be doing a rotisserie beef roast on the grill this year but definitely filing away the turkey leg confit for the future.

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Thank you very much, Domenica. Really appreciate that. And I'm so happy to introduce you to bread sauce. It's not everyone's thing but I love it. It's a very traditional British accompaniment to roast poultry that goes back to middle ages. But it very much goes alongside gravy. The consistency should be "spoonable" but not runny.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Wil Reidie

Hands down, this is the most helpful explanation of how to cook Xmas dinner I’ve ever read. Almost sad we will be away and not cooking this year - but I am saving this for next year. Great stuff Will. 🙏

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Thank you so much, Jill. Really, you've made my week! But I have good news. I will be taking lots of pictures when I cook the meal this year and add them to this article. So when you come back next year I hope the piece will be even better.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Wil Reidie


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Very inspirational. I usually spatchcock my turkeys and smoke them on the grill outside. I think now I’ll still smoke but break down the turkey so each piece is cooked perfectly

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That sounds like it'll be fantastic. I'd love a smoker of my own one day. What's your set up?

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Nothing special. Just the cheapest offset smoker at Home Depot. Usually use apple wood and alot of love

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Apple wood and love sounds good. I'd love an offset smoker someday.. probably need my own garden first.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Wil Reidie

I don’t boil my sprouts I stir fry them with lardons and chestnuts 😡😡😡

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Yes mother. Love you mother.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Wil Reidie

I rarely make anything more complex than toast these days due to my work schedule, but i absolutely loved this post. So rational and sane and considerate and intelligent... exquisitely done, Will. Thank you so much.

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Jason, that means a lot to me, thanks. It was quite a project putting down "on paper" my Christmas dinner process for the first time. I just really hope this can help those who find it.

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Wonderful, Wil! I just watched the video, excellent!

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Jolene! You're so kind. Yeah I thought it was nice to add the video, so glad you thought it was worth it. Though my goodness, did you notice how small that turkey was?! That's what I have to put up with in Finland.

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A Chicken-sized bird:) I hereby request a series of Wil cooking technique and instructional videos in the New Year! (really, you’re a natural ✨)

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Thank you. Honestly, teaching is a part of restaurant cooking that I loved. I've enjoyed making the videos this year. And I may have asked Santa for a little microphone to up my video game for 2024 so your request may be answered soon...

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Love it! 🎅

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Wil Reidie

What is the crown of the turkey? I have never heard of that.

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Hey Karen. The crown is the entire breast section of the bird removed from the legs and backbone. Check out the jointing video where I run through how to make a "crown".

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How marvelous! A sane approach to the nightmare! Thank you for breaking it down--there may be less cooking drinking in this house!

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Haha. Thanks Pat. Hope there are some useful tips there.

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Merry Christmas, Wil! I still haven't decided what I'm going to make yet, but your good ideas are leaning me in a turkey-ward direction. Thanks for the tips!

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Thanks! I'm very lucky. On Christmas eve I get the full Finnish Christmas dinner, then on Christmas Day I cook the UK equivalent. (Note: the big day in Finland is Xmas eve, not Day)

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