Enough for 10 Dallaspulla
For the bun dough:
250ml milk
20g fresh yeast
100g caster sugar
500g flour
75g butter
1 egg
For the filling:
125g room temp butter
45g corn or potato starch
45g sugar
200g rahkaa/quark
3 tsp vanilla extract
First, we start with the dough, and I’m happy to say there are no surprises here.
Heat the milk to just below boiling then add the butter and let it come down again to warm body temp. I don’t really know why this heating and cooling step exists but it’s what I was taught at culinary school and I’m far too stubborn to ignore what I was taught during what remains the most expensive experience I’ve ever paid for.
Anyway, once the milk’s cooled make a paste of the yeast with a splash of it. Mix the sugar with the milk to dissolve and then add these wet dough ingredients to the dry. Kneed into a nice smooth ball and set aside to double in size.
While the dough is rising we can make the filling. Whisk the butter until it’s pale and light. Then mix it with the corn flour, rahkaa/quark and vanilla. Then set aside about a quarter of the filling to top the buns later and mix enough cream into the rest so it can be easily spread.
Once the dough is risen, roll it out so it’s about 1 cm thick and spread out the cream-softened filling. Roll it up tightly and cut into 8-10 slices and lay them spiral side up. Cover these with cling film and let rise again for 30 mins. At which point you can warm your oven to 200 degrees.
When they are risen again, press a divot into the centre and fill this with the remainder of the filling (the part you didn’t add cream to).
Brush the edges with the egg and bake for 15-20 mins until gold and the smell of all your dreams coming true fills your kitchen!
After reading today's post with the liquorice version, I did an online search for other Dallaspulla recipes. Chuffed to find this one pop up! The heating of the milk (according to many other recipes I've read) chemically changes the structure of the milk. Boiling cream for making ganache is the same. By adding the butter and sugar, melting them and reducing the heat of the milk to back to luke warm, helps activate the yeast without killing it. Nicola Lamb (Kitchen Projects Substack) discusses this in many of her dough baking posts.
There is a typo in both recipes you will want to fix. *knead.
I shall try this next week. Thank you for sharing.